Mini soccer is a fun introduction to the sport of soccer and is open to all children aged 4 to 8 living in the Lord Roberts community. No previous soccer experience is required. All players have equal playing time.

Age Divisions | Register

Important Dates

  • Season runs from the end of April to the end of June.
  • All games are played outdoors twice per week.
  • Mini soccer wind-up party will be held June 18 2025.
  • Registration closes on April 1. Registrations received after the closing date will be accepted based on availability and will be charged a late fee of $10.


This league is for kids ages 4 to 8 and they must live in the Lord Roberts community.

The team a child is placed on is determined by the year they were born.


Manitoba Soccer Association Fee: $16

  • This is mandated fee by the Manitoba Soccer Association.
  • must be paid prior to registering to play with LRCC

$60 per player. There is a $10 late fee for registrations past April 1, 2025.

Subsidies are available. Email for a form.

Coaches Needed (Important)

Mini soccer relies on volunteer coaches. Teams will not be fielded without a volunteer coach, and preferably an assistant coach. Coaches are required to provide a criminal background check, child abuse registry check as well complete a  Respect in Sport online workshop and the appropriate online coaching workshop. LRCC will cover all expenses. 

Please consider volunteering to coach/assistant coach. Coaching is a great way to get involved in mini soccer and in the Lord Robert community!

Equipment Needed:

  • Proper footwear (running shoes or cleats)
  • Shin pads and socks (U6, U7, U8)
  • Comfortable and weather appropriate clothing
  • All players will be provided with a team jersey for the season

Mini Soccer Age Divisions

Soccer will be two nights a week for each age bracket.

U4 will always play at the Lord Roberts Community Centre field.

U5 to U8 will be expected to play at various fields in the area including Riverview, Lord Roberts, Wildwood and Fort Garry community centres. The locations will be communicated to teams by their coaches. However, the times and days of play will be consistent.

Year born 2017 & 2018: Timbits U8 – 7 and 8 year olds (Male)

Tuesday and Thursday
6:00 to 7:00 PM

Year born 2017 & 2018: Timbits U8 – 7 and 8 year olds (Female)

Tuesday and Thursday
6:00 to 7:00 PM

Year born 2019 : Timbits U6 – 6 year olds (Mixed – Male & Female)

Monday and Wednesday
6:00 to 7:00 PM

Year born 2020 : Timbits U5 – 5 year olds (Mixed – Male & Female)

Monday and Wednesday
6:00 to 7:00 PM

Year born 2021 : Timbits U4 – 4 year olds (Mixed – Male & Female)

Mondays and Wednesdays
6:00 to 7:00 PM

Please note: Requests to be on the same team as one friend in the same age division will be accepted but not guaranteed. Please contact the mini soccer convenor to make a request.

This year the U7 and U8 teams will be divided by gender.

For questions, please contact the Lord Roberts Mini Soccer convener at

Register for Mini Soccer – REGISTRATION IS OPEN

Registering for mini soccer is a 2 step process this year.

Step 1: Register at the Manitoba Soccer Association – Register Now

Step 2: Complete the registration form on our website and pay the registration fee – Register Now