Board Description | Current Members | Positions and Committees | Join the Board | Attend a Board Meeting

LRCC is an Operational Board.

What is the difference between an operational board and a governance board? The difference between an operational board vs a governance board is that the former assists with execution of all of the day-to-day activities of the club, within the conditions defined through governance. In contrast, a governance board sets objectives and makes decisions that guide people toward achieving the overall goals.

What is the commitment time per month expected of me as a board member?

There is a monthly board meeting where all members are expected to attend. Apart from that, each position (outlined below) holds varying degrees of responsibility, which could include additional meetings, etc. and will require a continued commitment throughout the year.

2024/25 LRCC Board of Directors

President: Blair McEvoy
Vice President: Glenn Friesen
Vice President: Jess Gutkin
Secretary: Karen Patterson
Treasurer: Sean Madden
Member at Large: Karl Kopczewski
Member at Large: Aleethia MacKay
Member at Large: Eli Gotthilf
Canteen: Kathleen Hartie

Description of Positions

Assumes full charge of all Board meetings and instructs (as necessary) the Chairpersons of various committees on the decisions arrived at during any Board meeting. Serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Centre, is present and presides at all meetings of the executive, signs all instruments that require authorization and provides direction to all members of the executive in the performance of their responsibilities. The President votes only to break a tie. The President must have served at least one year on the Executive/Board. The President, or designate, is required to serve on the GCWCC Board.

Vice President – House and Grounds
Responsible, in conjunction with the City and the GCWCC, for the upkeep of the property and minor repairs. Works to find volunteers and is responsible for all sports fields and maintenance of rinks.

Vice President – Programming
Has full charge of all programming, is responsible for the appointing of conveyors for each programming as required. Enforce rules and regulations of all sports. Chair program meetings and attend the various association meetings as required

Vice President – Special Events and Fundraising
Responsible for providing social activities for the Centre, such as – pancake breakfast, corn roast, community cleanups, etc. Responsible for the scheduling of all functions held at the Centre. Responsible for coordinating fundraising activities to help support House and Grounds and Programming.

Keeps a complete and concise record of all important business transacted at Executive, Board, Special meetings and the AGM, including attendance of officers, and is responsible for all correspondence, both incoming and outgoing. Assists the Board as required. The Secretary manages the preparation of Board Meeting Agendas. May publicise activities in a way deemed advisable, by radio, spot announcements on T.V., by means of a monthly flyer which shall contain the next month’s activities, or by any other acceptable means. Responsible for distribution of the flyer.

Responsible for all cash receipts and disbursements of the Centre, and keep a complete record of the same. Deposit all monies in a chartered bank and issue cheques thereon for the payment of accounts.Prepares a balance sheet for audit at the Annual Meeting, gives a rough estimate of financial standing at Board Meetings and at other times as necessary. Ensures that the President receives a copy of the monthly bank balance.

Canteen Chair
Responsible for the ordering, inventory, stocking, and general operation of the canteen, including the documenting and submission of all monies and receipts to the Treasurer. The Chair is responsible for ensuring the necessary goods are purchased including making arrangements with the Treasurer and utilizing the cash advance policy in place for such purchases as needed. Chair ideally has: access to a vehicle to transport canteen goods and the ability to lift 50 lbs.

Members at Large x 3
Attends all Board, AGM, and special meetings and supports the Board and committees as required.

Committees and Chairs

  • House & Grounds Chair – Position must be held by board member
    • House & Ground Committee
  • Communication Chair – Position must be held by board member
    • Communications Committee
  • Special Events Chair – Position must be held by board member
    • Special Events Committee
  • Sports & Equipment Chair – Position must be held by board member
    • Mini Soccer Convenor
    • Bike Hub
    • Sports & Equipment Committee
  • Volunteer Chair – Position must be held by board member
    • Volunteer Committee

Join the Board

Our annual general meeting (AGM) generally takes place every winter. Our fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31. Our AGM is when we report on our finances and programs from the previous year. The AGM is where our Board elections take place. It is also when we provide our annual report.

Attend a Board Meeting

The LRCC Board currently meets on the 4th Monday of the month at 8pm (with the exception of July and August). As per the LRCC Board Constitution, all regular meetings of the board are open to the public. Any member wishing to appear on the agenda must give notice to the President (by way of email to at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. The Executive Committee has the right to deny any such request with written notification stating the reasons for the denial.

The Finance Committee meets on the third Monday of the month. Finance Committee meetings are open to the public. Please contact at least 7 days in advance if you wish to attend.

Other board committees are also open to community member involvement but don’t have a set meeting schedule. If you are interested in getting involved please contact for more information.